We offer Milkweed Floss grown on family farms in Vermont and Quebec and ready for use in pillows, crafts, and many other uses.

Milkweed Floss is a natural fiber that is:

  • Six times warmer than wool.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • More buoyant than cork.
  • A cruelty-free alternative to goose down.

See our selection of Milkweed Floss.

Our Floss is taken straight from the Milkweed plant (asclepias syriaca) and processed without the use of any chemicals or enzymes. We offer Floss that is 99% free of seeds and Floss with seeds.

Why is Milkweed Floss awesome? In addition to its many uses, the cultivation of the Milkweed plant creates a habitat that supports the Monarch butterfly. So every time you buy milkweed floss, you contribute to the health and survival of the species.

milkweed floss

Milkweed has been disappearing from the landscape over the past decade – with Monarch butterfly populations declining as a result. There are many factors behind the decline of the Monarch butterfly, but the loss of Milkweed – its primary food source and only place where it will lay eggs – is a leading factor.

While many tremendously valuable efforts are in place to sustain and improve the Monarch butterfly population, we’re doing what we can to spread and facilitate the use of Milkweed Floss. The rationale is straight forward: by increasing the value and utilization of the plant, it is hoped more people (individuals, communities, farmers) will realize the numerous benefits that can come from growing more Milkweed.

You can buy Milkweed Floss from us here.